Compensation for Accidents Causing Death
Filing a personal injury action for compensation will certainly not be the first thing people who have lost a loved one think about but in most cases it will however be essential for the family to carry on after the death. For example, if a man is killed in a road traffic accident, leaving behind his wife who looks after their children, she may have no way of providing for those children in his absence.
Fatal injury claims are crucially important for the family left behind. For this reason you need a personal injury team with experience in dealing with complicated and high value claims as well as a firm which can act with compassion and empathy towards the deceased’s family.
In this area of the law we work with clients that have lost a loved one as a result of the negligence of a third party. Our purpose is to safeguard their rights and claim on their behalf the maximum attainable compensation provided by the law.
As well as dealing with your emotional response, there will also be plenty of issues to deal with, particularly where there are formal investigations into the cause of death. The stress of dealing with financial and practical issues whilst grieving and coming to terms with your loss can seem overwhelming. Below we provide useful information.
Who can claim following a fatal accident?
Claims can be pursued (amongst others) by:
- Husbands and wives
- Civil partner or formal civil partner of the deceased
- Children
- Siblings
- Grandparents
- Any other person that may be appointed as administrator of the deceased’s estate.
What can be included in a fatal injury compensation claim?
Certainly there are financial implications following a death. Whether that is simply funeral expenses or significant concerns about potentially lifelong financial dependency on the person who has died, these worries can be very difficult to deal with. The law about what compensation can be claimed in this situation is complex but our significant experience at Rotsides & Co enables us to take you through the process. What can be claimed often depends on the age of the person who has died, whether that person had any children, the type of family relationships and the level of financial dependency. We will be able to advise you fully about your entitlement to compensation following a fatal injury or accident. We will also work closely with you in order to settle the various probate and estate issues that may arise.
Our lawyers operate across all major cities in Cyprus and where possible we may visit you at your home, to discuss your claim. We will help to guide you through the process and to secure the compensation you are entitled to.
The various types of fatal injury claims that we may pursue on your behalf include:
- Compensation for pain and suffering.
- Medical fees, costs of care, loss of earnings and other reasonable expenses where the death is not instant.
- Bereavement award (pursuant to the provisions of Cap. 148, as amended) for the spouse or parent of the deceased. This is currently set at €17,086.01.
- Funeral expenses.
- Dependency claim. This is a calculation to take into account among other factors the loss of income of the deceased, loss of pension provision, employment benefits to include bonuses and healthcare benefits and loss of contribution to family/household activities to include DIY, gardening and property maintenance etc.
Time Limits (limitation period)
The usual rule is that Court proceedings must be started within 3 years from the date of the incident/accident. This is often referred to as the limitation period. Please be advised that there are important exceptions to this rule and legal advice should always be sought on this matter.
Inquest Representation
Where a person had died unexpectedly, either as a result of an accident or the cause of death is otherwise not clear, the matter may be referred to a Coroner. If your case will be the subject of an inquest we may offer representation and take charge of the proceedings.
Get Help Today
Call us today at +357 22 102081 or email us at info@rotsideslaw.com for a free consultation with Cyprus Lawyers experienced in compensation law. All of our cases are handled on a no win no fee basis, so you will not have to worry about fees unless we first recover you compensation.
To find out more about our firm, press here to read about our claim process or here to read more information about us.