Hospital Acquired Infection
When Can I Seek Compensation for a Hospital Acquired Illness (nosocomial infection)?
Our work in nosocomial infection cases is to establish in court, on the balance of probabilities, that you acquired the infection while in hospital and this could have reasonably been prevented and / or was not diagnosed or treated timely. This is a matter of expert evidence and an appropriate microbiologist and or pathologist with specialization in infectious diseases should provide expert opinion on point. You will need to prove that you have suffered this infection as a result of the negligence of the hospital and / or the responsible doctor’s negligence and that because of this you have suffered damage.
When Can I Seek Compensation for a Hospital Acquired Illness (nosocomial infection)?
Our work in nosocomial infection cases is to establish in court, on the balance of probabilities, that you acquired the infection while in hospital and this could have reasonably been prevented and / or was not diagnosed or treated timely. This is a matter of expert evidence and an appropriate microbiologist and or pathologist with specialization in infectious diseases should provide expert opinion on point. You will need to prove that you have suffered this infection as a result of the negligence of the hospital and / or the responsible doctor’s negligence and that because of this you have suffered damage.
Get Help
Call us today at +357 22 102081 or email us at info@rotsideslaw.com for a free consultation with Cyprus Lawyers experienced in nosocomial infection medical negligence cases. All of our medical malpractice cases are handled on a no win no fee basis, so you will not incur any fees unless there is a financial recovery. You may also like to press here to read about our services in serious injury cases.