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What are the Most Common Back Injuries After a Car Accident?

Of the most common injuries we face as personal injury lawyers, are spine injuries.

The human spine is divided into three main areas, each with its own unique characteristics and functions.

This is a question very often asked by our clients that wish to claim against insurance companies.

Whether your claim involves a road traffic accident or an employment accident, a medical negligence case against a public or private hospital, or any other kind of accident, under Cyprus Law there are several types of damages that you can claim as compensation, depending on the circumstances of your accident.

Here is a list of some of the common types of damages that may be available for your case under Cyprus Law of compensation due to negligence:

What Is Post-Traumatic Cervical Syndrome (PTCS)?

As Cyprus Personal Injury Lawyers working in all district Court of the island, the most common injuriy that we face is spine injury and soft tissue injury. Insurance compensation claims for soft tissue injuries are very prevalent after road traffic accidents because fender benders are the most common car accidents, especially in big cities with road traffic congestion.

Post-traumatic cervical syndrome is a collection of symptoms that can develop in individuals who have experienced trauma or injury to the cervical spine, which is the portion of the spine that makes up the neck. This condition can occur after a variety of different types of injuries, not only after car accidents, but also due to sports injuries, falls, or other traumatic events that cause damage to the neck.

Courts, insurance companies and claimants are more often than not perplexed with the task of finding what would be fair just and reasonable compensation for such cases as the symptoms of post-traumatic cervical syndrome can vary depending on the severity and location of the injury. They often include:

What does Total Loss Mean?

The insurance adjuster said that my car is a Total Loss. What does this mean?

"Total loss" for insurance companies generally means that the cost of repairing a damaged vehicle would exceed the actual cash value of the vehicle. In other words, the cost of repairing the vehicle is greater than what the vehicle is worth.

What is Road Traffic Accident Negligence Under Cyprus Law?

Negligence under Cyprus law refers to a legal duty of care owed by one person to another. The concept of negligence is based on the idea that individuals have a responsibility to act reasonably and avoid causing harm to others.

Under Cyprus law, a person is considered to have been negligent if they have failed to exercise reasonable care in fulfilling their duty to another person, and that failure results in harm or loss to that person. To establish a claim for negligence, the following elements must typically be proven: